Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hoppin Frog Hop Dam Triple IPA

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22 ounce bottle into tulip. Pours slightly hazy orange amber color with a dense 2.5 finger off white head with fantastic retention. Some decent lacing is left on the glass. Aromas of caramel, orange, pine, grapefruit, and a bit of maltiness as well. Taste of strong caramel, orange, grapefruit, and pine; with a huge bitterness on the finish that lingers for a long time with caramel, orange, and pine flavors. Bitterness destroys your palate, and after that happens the malty flavors shine through more(strong orange, grapefruit, and caramel). It is very smooth drinking, but is definitely a sipping beer. Medium carbonation and very full bodied. No alcohol was noticed at all, except for a very slight warming after the finish, but overall incredibly hidden here for 10%. Overall, this is some tasty stuff for sure. A true hop head beer.

I got this on release day at the brewery, and it was the middle of march, so this is a pretty darn fresh IPA. With all those hops, I doubt they were going to fade any time soon. The hops were a LOT huger than I remember when I had this one last year(whenever that was). Just a huge beer all together here, it was incredibly smooth and easy to drink as well for being 10%, and the hops destroying your palate and all.

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