Monday, August 29, 2011

Three Floyds Dreadnaught Imperial IPA

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10/10 APPEARANCE 5/5 TASTE 10/10 PALATE 5/5 OVERALL 20/20

22 ounce bottle into tulip, no bottle dating. Pours slightly hazy golden amber color with a dense 2 finger off white head with amazing retention that reduces to a thick lacing cap. Dense lacing clings to the sides of the glass as you drink. Aromas of huge amounts of pine, orange, grapefruit, pineapple, caramel, and spices. Insane aromas with tons of strength. Taste of tons of pine, caramel, pineapple, orange, grapefruit, lemon, and spices. Nice amount of bitterness on the finish that lingers with caramel, pineapple, orange, pine, and grapefruit flavors. The balance is completely perfect in this beer. There is a ton of bitterness, but it does not overwhelm your palate because of the malt balance being just as strong. Slightly syrupy with huge creamy mouthfeel, but still insanely smooth. Medium carbonation and medium-full bodied. Alcohol is practically invisible with only a very small warming on the finish. For the alcohol level, this drinks way too easy. Overall this is a mind blowing DIPA. The balance of flavors is insane, and I could drink this all day even though its 9.5% haha. Perfection.

This a re-review of a beer that I already loved at first taste back in January. I believe that this bottle was quite a bit fresher, because the store where I purchased it had a full case in stock. Absolutely incredible and perfect Imperial IPA, and beer for that matter. My first 5.

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