Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Harviestoun Ola Dubh (30 Year Old)

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11.2 ounce bottle into snifter, bottled in March 2009. Pours opaque dark brown color with a small dense tan head with good retention that reduces to a thin cap of lace. A fair amount of lacing clings to the glass as well. Aromas of big whiskey, oak, caramel, molasses, vanilla, peat, roasted malt, dark fruit, and light smoke. Very interesting and complex aromas going on here. Taste of big caramel, molasses, dark fruits, chocolate, whiskey, oak, light smoke, roasted malt, licorice, biscuit, vanilla, and a bit of earthiness. Incredible complexity, with shifting flavor highlights as you drink. Lingering notes of whiskey, oak, caramel, molassses, and smoke on the finish for a bit. Medium carbonation and medium-full body; with a very creamy, slick, and smooth mouthfeel that is super easy to drink for 8%. Alcohol is well hidden with only a slight warming after the finish. Overall this is an incredible old ale with great complexity and easy drinkability. A real winner, but a tad pricy.

an incredible and complex old ale as I was hoping. The age of the bottle probably had a bit to do with it as well. On a side note: I forgot to remove the price tag from the box haha. I am interesting in trying the 40 year some time.

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