Thursday, January 26, 2012

Arcadia Whitsun

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12 ounce bottle into weizen glass, bottled 6/14/2011. A bit too old but lets give it a shot. Pours to instant head after a loud release of carbonation upon opening(no gusher though). Eventually turns out to be a hazy and cloudy deep orange color with a dense and fluffy 2-3 finger off white head with great retention that reduces to a thick cap that lingers. Some slight bits of lacing cling to the glass. The yeast seems to have clumped up and is floating around in the glass like bits of ground pepper. Aromas of orange peel, lemon, coriander, light pepper, bread, and not much else. Pretty weak aromas without much complexity; but not offensive. Taste of orange peel, pepper, coriander, wheat, spicy yeast, and breadiness. Some lingering notes of bread, wheat, orange, and spiciness on the finish for a bit. Medium body and carbonation; with a bit of a creamy mouthfeel that drinks very smoothly. Alcohol is well hidden with only a slight warming after the finish. Other than the grainy appearance and weak aromas; this was pretty solid stuff. Good balance of flavors and easy drinking.

Overall pretty solid and drinkable. I was afraid it may be infected like the Nut Brown I had when I cracked it to insane carbonation, but it turned out fine.

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