750 ml bottle into wine glass, this was a gusher as soon as I opened it, didn’t lose too much beer. Pours hazy golden amber color with a dense 1 finger white head with good retention that reduces to a thin lacing cap. Decent lacing clings to the glass as well. Aromas of apple cider, apple skin, brandy booziness, and a bit of spice. Interesting aromas with good strength. Taste of huge slightly tart apples, apple skin, honey, spiciness, and a bit of citrus. Lingering notes of spice, apple, and citrus sweetness on the finish. No bitterness noticed, as expected for a tripel. Medium carbonation and fairly full bodied. Alcohol is well hidden in the taste, with only a slight warming on the finish noticed. Very smooth drinking as well for being 10%. Nice balance of flavors without having too much sweetness. Overall, and excellent tripel, a little to boozy in the nose, but the taste tells a whole different story.
A very delicious tripel from Captain Lawrence, and my first one from them. It is aged in apple brandy barrels. I have many more of theirs to come in reviews, because I grabbed as many as I could when I was in NYC(they get some good praises on BA). I had quite a few when I was in NYC as well on draft, available pretty much at every decent bar(and I did visit quite a few good bars in Manhattan, but there are still more to visit when I get back out to NYC again).
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