750 ml bottle into wine glass. Pours hazy golden amber color with a fairly dense 2 finger white head with incredible retention that reduces to a fairly thick lacing cap. Small amount of lacing sticks to the glass. Aromas of lemon, pepper, clove, basil, a bit of grass and other spiciness. Great aromas here, very strong as well. Taste of lemon, grass, basil, pepper, and other spices. Lingering notes of pepper, spices, lemon and some citrus on the finish. A slight bit of tartness noticed on the finish as well, but not much. Fantastic balance of flavors, no bitterness noticed as expected. Medium-high carbonation and medium bodied, nice crisp finish. Very smooth drinking with no notice of alcohol anywhere other than a slight warming after the finish. Nice and refreshing as well. Overall, an outstanding saison. I think this is the newest batch as well, so it is drinking fantastic fresh.
So I am finally getting into trying the Brooklyn 750's. I have Local 1 and 2 in the cellar, plus Black Ops. I will probably re-review Black Chocolate Stout, because I have one down there as well. BCS is still extremely available around here in most supermarkets. I may have to pick up some singles of the other brews to try. I visited Brooklyn last Saturday when I was in NYC(came home this week). Got a tour, and had some draft beer, including both of the Brewmasters Reserve they had on tap(Blast and Concoction). Blast was a very nice DIPA, and Concoction was certainly interesting. It was a beer brewed with ginger and spices. It was alright.
I may post up my visit pics on here, but it wasnt much, just a short tour explaining what they do, and the plans for the future(I think they said they are going to bottle Blast in 750's that will be nice). Cheers!