Review 200! 2011 12 ounce bottle into snifter. Pours deep opaque black color with a 2 finger dark tan head with incredible retention that reduces to a thin lacing cap. Some good looking glass lacing. Aromas of vanilla, bourbon, chocolate, espresso, roasted malt, and wood with a little bit of alcohol. Quite possibly the most amazing smelling beer I have ever had. Taste of dark chocolate, coffee, vanilla, bourbon, roasted malts, and wood. There is some slight bitterness on the finish that lingers with huge chocolate and vanilla flavors, even though it is 70 IBU the strength and body of the beer covers up most of that bitterness. Medium carbonation and huge full body. Insanely smooth drink for 11.2% and there is no alcohol noticed other than a warming after the finish. It goes down perfectly and is probably the smoothest drinking high gravity beer I have ever had. Overall, I will agree with the hype. This is incredible
Definitely one of the best beers on the planet. I am glad I was able to find a fresh 4 pack this year thanks to a drive through I frequent that has an outstanding beer selection, and also is fairly unknown by the general population in the area for their selection. I would also like to thank Jacob Sanford from the Alechemy blog for sending me a bottle of 2010, which I will try in the future and do a vertical. From what I have heard the coffee flavor diminishes, but overall the beer is still incredible.
I will have to try this if I can find it.