22 ounce bottle, 2009 vintage. Pours cloudy dark copper with a nice dense 2 finger off white head with great retention and very nice lacing. Aromas of caramel, raisins, molasses, citrus, wood, and banana. Taste of molasses, bourbon, citrus, roasted nuts, wood, and pine. Some very slight bitterness on the finish, it is quite sweet, but very tasty. A ton of flavors going on here, I don’t think I could pinpoint them all. There were more aroma notes there than I could figure out as well. There is alcohol warming after the finish, but not too overly strong. Has a full creamy body with medium carbonation. Lingering tastes of wood, caramel, and bourbon on the finish. Incredibly drinkable for the ABV. I feel quite lucky that I was able to find this while I was over in Indiana, the number of ratings tells me it must be somewhat rare. I had purchased the last bomber that was in the liquor store I visited as well. Overall, this is an incredible tasting barley wine, and is highly enjoyable.
Found this one in Ft Wayne, and it was the last bottle at the liquor store. I feel lucky that I acquired it. So awesome. The wax color shows the year it was brewed, you should be able to see the blue wax on the side dripping down.